Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mind Over Stomach?

I was hungry this afternoon. My stomach told me so. It was aching and grumbling: "need food."

So, I grabbed an apple, and I was skeptical that it would feed the needs of my stomach. It was scrumptious and juicy. After I ate it I thought, " I need to eat something more."

Since I've been trying to be more "conscious" of my eating habits I stopped to think about if I was really hungry.

Is my stomach still grumbling? No
Is my stomach still achy? No
Does my body show any physical signs of hunger? No

Why do I think I "need" more?

These are the behaviors I want to change. I automatically assumed the apple wouldn't feed my hunger, as a result I was already telling myself I needed to eat more when in reality the apple did the trick.

After making this simple realization it was a little easier to tell myself that I didn't need to go rummage through my cupboards for something more to eat.

Go me!


Karyn said...

Good for you! I keep saying the battle is won or lost in the mind FIRST. You fought your battle in your thoughts and won!

Keep working at changing the way you think, and thinking about what you eat.

You'll do it!