Thursday, September 18, 2008

Week 3: 2 lbs down 151 lbs to go

It's weigh-in Thursday, and I was expecting to have gained, because this two week Phase 1 of the South Beach diet is a challenge for me. I must not be eating enough vegetables, because I am still experiencing hunger...or cravings...or whatever it is. Three times I ate things I should not have...and one of those was last night. I was workinng (at night) and hunger and exhaustion took over.

Sometimes I think when my body is really tired it's natural response is to want food in order to give it more energy when it really only needs sleep. So, what did I do...I went to the bloody vending machine. As you all know most vending machines don't stock vegetables, but I could have at least gone for the healthiest snack in there: a granola bar. But NOOOO I had to go for these chocolate, peanut-butter waffer cookie things. I actually felt sick after eating it. BAD choice. Not to mention that I only worked out twice this week.

Unfortuantely, I know my body too well, and I think my next week's weigh-in is going to pay for this past week of stupidity. I'm going to see if I can make-up for it with some longer workouts.


Allison said...

Congrats on the 2 lbs. loss! It's difficult to make good choices 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But as long as you make more good choices than bad ones, and recognize when you do make bad choices and work to fix them, I think you'll be okay in the end. :)